Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
11652 Jentje 1,675 5
Keetarjan 1,675 11
Maybebaby EK 2024 1,675 7
Merch Ops Predictions 1,675 8
MEXX 1,675 8
Nijenhuis 1,675 7
Ons gezinnetje + aanhang 1,675 5
Räubers 1,675 7
Recruitment - Mobiliteit DH 1,675 15
RWH 1,675 11
Scoritootje 1,675 11
Sinoan Harkema 1,675 14
Sjonnies 1,675 5
Tandemteam 1,675 13
Tourakel 1,675 7
Voorspellen EK 2024 1,675 7
11692 WSN 1,674 12
058 oranjekoorts 1,674 9
Ajaxforever 1,674 9
Allpro EK 2024 POULE LIONS 1,674 10
Aluchemie EK 2024 1,674 13
Appie 1,674 34
Bende van ellende ek 1,674 12
BH_Eredivisie 1,674 5
Bockworst 1,674 6