- Only 34 days to go until Euro 2024 starts!

Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2023 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2200 Fc Meerkoet Premier League 546 5
2202 Rechtopstaandebanaan 523 5
2203 100 522 5
Emos 15-1 conferance leugeu 522 7
2205 Fc weem 513 6
2206 Emos 15-1 508 6
2207 josti’s 499 5
2208 Familie ouleh 486 7
2209 🖤💛Vitesse!!!!!!🖤💛 471 6
2210 Eredivisie 2023/24 468 5
2211 Winnaar is de grote speler 459 7
2212 Emos 15-1 Europa leugeu 429 5
2213 Voetbal gelul 420 5
2214 Fc talenten acedemy 15-1 414 6
2215 Beunhazen2456 397 5
2216 poepiefloepcum 378 6
2217 Kak 374 6
2218 geen idee7193 326 5
2219 sv bedum 23/24 288 6
2220 De Marne 267 6
2221 Supportersvereniging N.W.A 224 7
2222 De Kkr groep 211 6
Homos van oranje 211 6
2224 Kees Smit 182 5