Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
13154 FC Miep 1,267 6
Fysiopoule 1,267 10
Hoofdpijn EK poule 1,267 7
Houthandel Bos 1,267 12
Hup Holland hup hup 1,267 9
Installatiebedrijf Erinkveld 1,267 6
IPPS EK pool 1,267 9
Kaasmaatjes 1,267 10
Loosbroek naar de maan 1,267 6
Mostert 1,267 15
No Justice League (UEFA EURO 2024) 1,267 9
Nosso FC 1,267 13
Pand ek poule 1,267 10
Set2024 1,267 7
Sommerferien strijders 1,267 9
Sportpark De Eer 1,267 9
Team LogCen JIVC EK 2024 1,267 18
the Prof's 1,267 11
Vdctjes 1,267 6
Veranderbureau 1,267 10
Verhalentuin 1,267 10
Voorselectie jo15-1 poule 1,267 20
Wie ging er mee 1,267 9