Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
10669 Noordereind 1,440 10
Pilske? 1,440 7
R2D2 1,440 5
RadstaEK 1,440 9
RKC Europees Kampioen! 1,440 6
Road to Berlin 1,440 13
San Marco 1,440 9
Sapperdeflap EK Poule 1,440 11
Seizoenskaarthouders 🍻 1,440 8
Signpower sportkenners 1,440 9
SjaansEkpool2024 1,440 14
Solutions Support 1,440 10
Sosmalie EK 2024 1,440 7
Team Premiere 1,440 7
Team Telmachine 1,440 9
Tiko Toppers 1,440 13
TINT EK Poule 2024 1,440 11
Viespeukenpoule 1,440 8
Voorschoten Ere 23/24 1,440 9
WeDoWa-familiepoule 1,440 16
Wifi skaut 1,440 9
10748 2024 EK poule mallo 1,439 11
Assink poule EK 2024 1,439 20
Blauwtjes 1,439 17
Buren❤️ 1,439 8