Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
8871 Gio’s partybus 1,718 7
H3A 2024 1,718 10
Hangover69 1,718 8
Hazenlip 1,718 10
Heijmans Wonen 2023/2024 1,718 7
jizzle 1,718 12
Jozefschool 1,718 10
Juffer & Swart 1,718 9
Kachelhuis poeltje 1,718 17
Koeman Believers 1,718 8
Loodglans 1,718 6
Loppersum on tour 1,718 6
Losserboys EK 2024 1,718 8
Maandags elftal fans 1,718 8
Malenstein 1,718 11
Man city 1,718 8
Opstal wie anders 1,718 6
Oranje Koosje!! 1,718 5
Poule PV Hemeltjen 1,718 15
Rotim 1,718 11
SalouAkbar 1,718 8
Sikkens Paint Center Zwolle/Kampen 1,718 15
SjaansEkpool2024 1,718 14
StedinPoule 1,718 8
VC Maximaal 1,718 11