Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
7038 Sportshop Bouwes Personeel 1,744 11
STAC EK poule 1,744 27
Tha Timoo EK 2024 Poule 1,744 11
Treijtel 1,744 20
Wayne Pooltje Kent 1,744 12
7106 280 1,743 12
Baloise EK pool 2024 1,743 16
Beetje pijpe poule 1,743 10
Billy Grace 1,743 17
Boersmatjess 1,743 15
Buitjes 1,743 7
Café LouLou 1,743 13
CVI- EK 2024 1,743 14
De Carlton EK poule 1,743 11
De Esch Buurtjes EK 2024 1,743 14
De familie van dijk 1,743 6
De Pijltjes 1,743 5
De strijderpoule 1,743 16
Dess jo-14 1,743 13
Dirkstrijders 1,743 5
Don't mention the war 1,743 8
EK 2024 be the best! 1,743 11
EK 2024 met de strijders 1,743 6
EK 2024_038 1,743 11
EK Duitsland 2024! 1,743 16