Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
6124 Bundesliga App Glanerbrug 1,500 5
CarlStahlUnitedEK2024 1,500 16
De bankzitters ‘24 1,500 15
de Haantjes 1,500 7
De oranjetuin 1,500 7
Desi boys 1,500 10
Diard Europa Meisterschaft Huhn 1,500 8
DVO-JV 1,500 18
EK 2024 Enschede 1,500 28
EK 2024 VERHAGEN LEIDEN 1,500 20
EK 2024 voor gevorderden 1,500 12
EK Mourik Industriebouw 1,500 24
EK pool Familie Mulders 1,500 7
EK24 afgang 1,500 10
EK3600 1,500 8
EquansEK24 1,500 15
Europapa Meister 1,500 10
Fam Flodder Oranjekoorts 1,500 12
Fam. de Groen 1,500 13
Familie Dijkema 1,500 12
Familie Hellemons 1,500 11
Fellas EK2024 1,500 18
Ford Pro CV 1,500 14
FSE Voetbalgenieën 1,500 16
Gruno 1,500 13