Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
3701 Havantec/Van Zutphen 1,683 18
Helmpjes 1,683 8
Hollandse glorie bij de oosterburen 1,683 6
HVK - EK poule 1,683 18
HvS voetbalpoule 1,683 11
IJzendoorn Hoolies 1,683 20
IViR Euro 2024 Pool 1,683 22
La Vie EK 2024 Pool 1,683 19
Minder tranen, meer lachen 1,683 10
Next Hameration 1,683 7
Ome Erik & Co 1,683 7
Party bouwkeet 1,683 13
Poule Twickel Delden 1,683 15
ROFL 1,683 7
Schuurtje 1,683 15
Superelf EK poule 1,683 9
Sync EK pool 2024 1,683 14
The Anthony 1,683 18
Twaalf 1,683 10
UniPoolEK2024 1,683 24
VACO EK-pool 1,683 15
Vak U en OOST 1,683 7
Van Schaik Poule 1,683 16
Verstandige gokkers 1,683 61
Voetbal app 1,683 12