Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
750 Toto Champions League 24-25 2,358 6
Toto Conference League 24-25 2,358 6
Toto Eredivisie 24-25 2,358 6
Toto Europa League 24-25 2,358 6
Toto KKD 24-25 2,358 6
756 Eredivisie poule van Gulik en (Mar)Co 2,357 7
ex-RBS Finance NL 2,357 10
Fam Rodenburg/vd Salm 2,357 11
Halvemaan 2,357 14
Steenbergen 2022/2023 2,357 12
761 BZC'13 Eredivisiepool 22/23 2,356 14
CRV Deventer 2,356 12
Mannenuitje 2,356 9
Wiron / tante pietje 2,356 11
765 50 poule 2,355 5
ACKNOWLEDGE 2024-2025 2,355 10
BOZ Eredivisie 2,355 6
De4de 2,355 9
Familie Koolen 2,355 7
Seizoen 12.- Eredivisie 2022-2023 - 013 2,355 18
771 BVE22 2,354 8
Eredivisie 2019/20 2,354 6
Etentje op kosten van….2024-2025 2,354 5
Euroforum 2,354 12
Fc Eredivisie SLD 2,354 6