Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2101 Eredivisie 2024.25 1,887 5
2102 Oirschot 1,886 8
Vlaardingse Champions League 1,886 5
2104 Gutsen en rusten 1,885 5
2105 Eredivisie Goeman 1,879 5
2106 _Voetbal_ 1,877 8
De Terpies 1,877 5
2108 Akker Eredivisie 1,874 5
Bibi eredivisie 1,874 5
Buntjes 2.0 1,874 5
2111 Oooohh, wat gebeurt hier allemaal!!! 1,872 6
2112 SH 7 KKD 24/25 1,871 5
2113 Prima voorzetje 1,866 6
2114 Familie eredivisie poule 1,864 6
2115 Als je het leuk vind kan je mee doen 1,862 5
2116 fc kampioen 1,861 13
2117 0313 1,859 5
0313 Premier League🏟️⚽️ 1,859 7
2119 De tigers 1,858 9
Toekan Cup 2024 1,858 5
2121 Bonjourno Cia Tutti, Mooie Zielen 1,857 5
Schmitzel NL 1,857 5
2123 STI EREDIVISIE 1,855 6
2124 Bv&F Eredivisie poule jan-mei 2023 1,853 14
Warehouse ASM 1,853 7