Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
373 prijzen zie beschrijving 2,433 9
Toto Boys 2,433 7
378 DSVAG Eredivisie 2,432 7
379 Club Hypocriet 2,431 13
Confusion 2,431 14
ik weet het beter 2,431 11
Jojo klaagzak 2,431 13
Pub 69 Winsum 2,431 20
384 €VR 🤑 2,430 5
Onderwaterhockeysport 2,430 6
PZA 2,430 6
387 Bal op ‘t dak 14 2,429 23
VV Lunteren 2024-2025 2,429 9
389 De derde helft poule 2,428 14
TOTO vak 15 Ultra's 2,428 15
391 Alleenvoorechtemannenmetverstandvanvoetbal 2,427 12
Familieeee!!!⚽🏆 2,427 14
Goed Excuus 2024-2025 2,427 7
Irene FC 24/25 2,427 18
Koningen 2,427 6
Pikken tot aan de top 2,427 6
Schulten 2,427 20
TOGB 2,427 10
399 AGV 2,426 13
Denkende voetballer 2024/2025 2,426 10